Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Evelyn is starting to develop an active imagination and seems to give her stuffed animals some personality when playing with them. Her favorite is a stuffed rabbit (Thumper from Bambi).
Thanksgiving is old news by now, and Bekah has already posted photos on Facebook. I'll give you a quick synopsis, though. Bekah came down for a few days, and it was really fun spending time with her. It was also really nice kicking back a bit and letting Bekah entertain Evelyn (Thanks, Bekah! I hope we didn't take too much advantage of you!).
We took a little tour of sites in downtown Salt Lake, and our first stop was the Cathedral of the Madeline. We saw the inside for the first time, and it was AMAZING! I didn't take pictures because I thought it would be irreverent.
We enjoyed seeing the lights at temple square! It was worth braving the bitter cold. Below is the Christmas tree in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I also started a beard growing, so by the end of the month, I should be unrecognizable. The University of Utah is having a No Shave November competition, and I think I have a shot at winning. I had to enter the contest clean shaven and have my picture taken, and the judging will take place on November 30th.
For those who haven't seen it yet, this is a video of Evelyn walking. She is being lured by a teddy bear held by Clarisse.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Evelyn enjoys having a yard to play in. She is always happier outside than inside. Perhaps she is an outdoorsey person by nature. She also likes natural toys more than man-made ones. If we give her a leaf or a flower, she's entertained for hours (Well...I don't think anything could literally entertain her for HOURS). Sometimes I take her out in the front yard and hold her up so she can see and touch the roses. She never seems to get tired of it.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hi everyone! Evelyn has come a long way in her development recently. She finally figured out how to crawl forward, and now she's a speedy little crawler. She likes to follow Clarisse and I and to chase the cats. She also has one little tooth now on the bottom. It looks like other teeth are soon to follow.
We had a nice evening at the park yesterday, and Evelyn enjoyed watching the ducks. They weren't shy when coaxed with a bit of bread.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Clarisse, Evelyn, and I spent the week at a Jensen family reunion at Yellowstone, and had a great time! It was fun spending time with family, and we appreciate all of the efforts of the planners and organizers, especially Grandma J who rented the cabins.
The first site that we visited in Yellowstone was the most famous attraction: Old Faithful. It puts on a nice show about every hour if you are willing to wait for it!
Old Faithful is the most commercialized part of Yellowstone and is surrounded by some interesting buildings. This picture is of the interior of the historic Old Faithful Inn.
I liked some of the other geothermal features even better than Old Faithful. There were several hot springs that gave off sulfuric-smelling steam and had perfectly clear, sky-blue water.
Sapphire Pool was one of my favorites despite its small size.... It's so otherworldly.
This is the Grand Prismatic Spring. The center of the spring is blue, but the banks are bright orange due to thermophilic bacteria that thrive there.
There was plenty of natural beauty besides the thermal features. This is Yellowstone Lake where we stopped for lunch. The water was too cold for swimming!
This picture of the canyon was taken from the very appropriately named Artist's Point. We saw a few impressive waterfalls during our stay.
Here we are wearing our shirts that were signed by everyone at the reunion. All of the signatures managed to fit on Evelyn's little onesie.
Oh, and I'd better not forget to mention the wildlife! There were buffalo everywhere, often stopping traffic. You can hardly blame people for wanting to stop and look though. We saw a couple elk too, and I didn't mind not having any bear or wolf encounters.
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