Spring has finally arrived in Salt Lake. I think the high was in the 80's yesterday, and it felt like summer. There are flowers blooming everywhere, and people are out mowing their lawns.
We take Evelyn out for a stroll more often now, and she seems to get really absorbed in the sights. It really mellows her out, any way.
Here she is in her stroller looking ponderous....
We went to "The Gateway" with her on Friday evening, and she loved seeing all of the people. The Gateway is a big, fancy outdoor mall in Salt Lake. It's a neat idea, but I wouldn't want to shop there in winter! It was fun looking at all of the artsy decor in Z Gallerie, and the store owner was quite charmed by Evelyn. Evelyn ended their conversation by spitting up on the floor, but the owner was sweet about it. We thought it was fun that the main patio at the Gateway was a sort of fountain that shot up jets of water periodically. There were tons of happy kids running around in the water, but I am not sure that their parents were thrilled.

We would like to wish our moms a happy Mother's Day! Thanks for all you do for us Leslie and Robyn! Where would we be without you?