Last Saturday was the first snow of the season and Evelyn's birthday party. Evelyn didn't play in the snow for very long on Saturday morning before her parents got too cold and took her in.

Here is Evelyn's birthday cake made by Clarisse. The stars were cut out of fruit roll-up. Way to go Clarisse!

A lunch of meat loaf, cheez-its, and canned peaches was served at the party. This might sound like an odd combination, but the theme was Evelyn's favorite foods.

Here she is with some of her presents. I think that she's running for the nearest parent in this picture. She loves to have us read to her.

Evelyn's new doll goes very well with her shopping cart. Evelyn's favorite toy, however, was the doll's bottle. She likes to suck on it and sometimes offers it to the doll too.