Hi everyone! As you can see, Evelyn is doing well. She likes being read to as long as the words have a fun
rhythm. It seems like she is more entertained by the words than the pictures.

She has added some new foods to her diet recently. After cereal, we tried sweet
potatoes which she liked very much. She also likes squash and carrots and is getting use to
bananas (all of these are mashed up baby foods passed on from Allen and Giovanna).

As you can see, she's getting chubbier! She's about 14 and a half pounds now. She can't sit up or scoot around yet, but she shows signs of being close to both of those milestones.
I an just taking one class right now in school, but I can't say that I'm devoting much attention to it. I've been more involved in
research lately. I'm working on a few
different projects, and it will be a while before I develop a more focused area of
research for my PhD. Here's a fun picture of my
research group that was put together in
photoshop. The guy at the bottom is my boss, Dr.
Ilya Zharov.

Speaking of
research, my mom picked up a shirt for me at Daniel's science fair that has a vary accurate quote from Albert Einstein....
("If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be called research" --A. Einstein)
Evelyn's eyes are so cute. (And I love the quote on your shirt! So true!!) :D