Hi everyone! I know it's been a while since the last blog post. Mom is hungry for pictures of Felicity. Now that we have internet, it will be easier to keep the blog up to date. Here's a great picture of three beautiful girls all ready for church. As you can see, Clarisse updated her hair style for summer. I like it!
Here is Evelyn enjoying some outside time. "Outside" is her favorite place, and she asks to go out whenever a door is opened. Once she is outside, she heads for the nearest flowers. We have decided that Evelyn's two great pleasures in life are flowers and juice.Here is our growing Felicity. She is getting more smiley, but it is hard to capture in a photograph. She is a very observant baby and usually has an inquisitive expression on her face.
I love my new job! I am learning some valuable skills, and I get to work with a group of nice, fun people. I don't know how to describe the work without using a lot of jargon. Basically, I do quality control testing for drugs that are manufactured at the site. I can tell you more about it if you are interested. If you aren't interested, I understand!
Cute pictures! Clarisse, I like your hair cut. Felicity sure is cute and of course so is Evelyn! So fun to see them!