In honor of Grandpa Bob's 80th Birthday, all of the Jensen clan was in town Thanksgiving weekend. So we invited my parents, siblings and their families to our tiny home for Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun!
While waiting for dinner, family members chatted and played.
To make it so everyone could sit at the same table, we had to move most of our furniture out of the living room, line up every table we had, plus one my parents bought for the occasion, and gather all the chairs we could find, including the coffee table. There were nineteen people there: my parents their children and spouses, and all 7 grandchildren. Everyone contributed to the dinner, so Matt and I hardly had to make anything!
That night we played games and ate pie and ice cream!
Friday we took pictures! Here are some of my favorites!
Thanks for sharing these pictures--and your home and food and all the holiday fun. I was amazed that we got everyone around one table-and pretty comfortably too! I really enjoyed the games and the prep you guys put into them-the cards at the beginning was great and a good way to say thank you to our family. The name game was fun too!